Tuesday, September 13, 2011

In the Beginning....there were carrots...

The first recipe I'll ever talk about on this site is not altered at all.  This is not the norm, most of my posts will be about recipes that I've altered in some way or another.  Even if it's altered to avoid an ingredient or add a similar ingredient.*

Well onto the main topic!!

The recipe in question is called Honey Apple Glazed Carrots.

It's as simple as it is delicious. I won't give a recipe for it because I don't really want to type it out because it's not an altered recipe. Normally I will give the recipe, especially if I like it as much as I like this food

The simplest i can describe this food is steamed carrots  with an apple flavored honey drizzled on top. But don't let that be what you think of this food. It's much more complex than that. for one the carrots are never steamed.     The carrots are...boiled?(braised?...I'll look it up...maybe) in a sauce made of honey and apple juice.

The carrots can be done chewy or harder(Do you use al-dente with veggies?) I prefer the chewier version.  That way I can use the carrots to swipe up the sauce that is created by this dish. The sauce, by the way, is just as good as the carrots but the two of them are best together....^-^

Well that's it for now...look forward(or don't) to my next curious recipe!

*something I plan to do for the first altered recipe I'll talk about.

1 comment:

  1. Through outside comments I have been convinced to put up the Recipe for the Honey-Apple glazed carrots.

    3 Tbs Butter
    1 bag baby carrots
    1 1/2 Cup Unsweetened Apple Juice
    1/4 cup honey

    1) In a large skillet melt the butter and throw in the carrots. Tossing the carrots occasionally until they start to brown on the sides.
    2)Pour in the apple juice and honey stirring to mix them up.
    3) Let the Honey and Juice reduce in the skillet, glazing the carrots. when the mixture has reduced into a glaze pour into a serving dish. It's ready to eat!
